Dee Buchanan Hypnotherapy
- Phone 07792787148
- Website Link Visit Website
- Address 4 Westhill Heights, Westhill AB32 6RY
Dee offers treatments in hypnotherapy and psychotherapy to alleviate depression, end panic attacks, build confidence, help with weight loss, to break habits such as smoking.
Where appropriate, I use hypnosis to tap the source of your problems and feed your unconscious mind positive, beneficial suggestions. Your brain is a highly sophisticated computer and hypnotherapy can prioritise the information which you programme into it.
Cause and Effect
For every illness or unwanted habit, there is a cause. The mind and body are connected, therefore what affects one must affect the other. Fear, criticism, anger, resentment, guilt, and self-hatred can have a devastating effect on our physical and emotional well-being, including depression and low self-confidence.
The symptom is only the outer expression of what is going on inside, and changing the thought pattern is the only way to prevent recurrence of the problem. Conventional medicine and willpower sometimes don’t work because they are only battling the outer effect: they cut down the weed but do not get the root out.
The experience of being hypnotised is like a very pleasant pleasant state of relaxation: like a daydream. You never become unconscious, are always aware of your surroundings and are in control at all times. Hypnosis helps you achieve much more of your potential.
You can not be hypnotised against your will or made to accept inappropriate suggestions. TV hypnotists have projected a very misleading image of this powerful therapeutic tool. I am not a stage hypnotist and have no desire to make you bark like a dog or eat raw onions!
All client’s details are treated with total confidentiality. It is safe to drive after a session. I am based in Westhill, and see clients from across Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and further afield.