11 Plus Mock Exams Southend, Chelmsford & Colchester CSSE
- Address 18 Wells Avenue, Southend, Essex, SS2 6XJ
Nerves and stress play a big part in pupils failing the 11 Plus. Mock exams can help eliminate a lot of those nerves and stresses.
All exams papers have been written by myself and a retired examiner. They are unique in their content and cover all of the syllabus making sure your child is best prepared for any topic.
Please note unlike other places we do not use past papers as it is not a true test making them sit an exam they may have already done at home or school. Also doing something totally new gets your child used to doing something they have not seen or done before , helping to reduce the anxiety they may feel about it and give them the confidence to succeed.
We have 5 different mocks to choose from between April and September. We also have from 14th April to 17th an 11 Plus intensive revision course which includes a practice mock test at the end.