Arto BD
- Mobile 01877771133
- Address 71/4, Hoseni Dalan Road, Chankharpul, Dhaka
Bangladesh has progressed a lot in health care. People are getting treatment of many conditions which are difficult to treat anywhere. Average life expectancy has increased. This development has increased treatment cost a lot, which often crosses the border of financial ability of people living in the middle and lower class. In this situation, a group of health and other professional young people are trying to reduce the cost while keeping the standard of treatment unaffected. The result of this endeavor is a digital platform “Arto: Bangladesh Patient Support Network”.
Arto may not be able to share the pain of the patients, but it may be able to reduce the financial expenses related to treatment. It’s not only a group of enthusiastic young people but also a network through which the patients can be connected with their doctors, a patient with another patient, poor patient with his potential financial supporter.