Oak Tree Surgery
Our Nursing team can see you with the following, as well as general minor illnesses. You do not need to see the Doctor for the below conditions.
Non-urgent, Urine infections, Rashes, Sore Throats and Eyes
(Think N.U.R.S.E)
You can also use online resources to help you manage your illness rather than coming to see the GP.
If you are aged 16 – 74 and have not been for a health check for three years, we recommend you see the practice nurse or our POD for a health check.
Our nurses run the following:
Health Promotion And Disease Management Clinics
Asthma and COPD Clinic
Diabetic Clinic
Child Health and Immunisation Clinic
Family Planning Clinic
Minor Surgery Clinic
Cervical Screening
Flu Vaccination
You do not need to see a nurse for Ear syringing, B12 injections, non urgent ECG and Blood pressure monitoring our Health care assistants will be happy to help you.
If you are aged 16 – 74 and have not been for a health check for three years, we recommend you see the practice nurse or our POD for a health check