Oursainburys.co.uk, the new website and Mysainsburys.co.uk , the original website, are the official Sainsbury colleague portals from employee interaction and job management. By using the Oursainsburys website, all Sainsbury, Habitat and Argos employees can check their staff schedule rotas, benefits and payslips/paystubs online. The Our sainsburys website also include information like hours worked, earned holiday hours and company news about Sainsburys, Argos and Habitat. The platform include details on tax and national insurance payment deductions from staff salaries. Years ago, this was managed through manual paper payslips, but via Oursainsburys UK, all managers and employees can easily access their payment data.
Oursainsburys/Mysainsburys Login:
Click on the link in this article.
Enter your Oursainsburys username
Type in your Oursainsbury password
Click on “enter” or “login” to sign in to the Our Sainsbury website.
For more help and FAQ, click on the link in this article.